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Extended Learning

Residential Visits

School staff volunteer their services to lead and support residential visits to Dol Y Moch in North Wales.

The aim of residential visits is to:

  • Provide opportunity for learning in alternative settings.
  • To rehearse social, communication and independence skills.
  • To work co-operatively with staff and peers to manage personal skills.

The settings offer differing experiences and accommdate students with different requirements. However, the range of needs demonstrated by students at Baginton Fields is very wide and  it may not be possible to identify a suitable residential setting that meets the needs of each, and every, individual student.

For students attending residentials, particularly Dol Y Moch, it is important risks inherent in residential settings, including accomodation and outdoor activities, are minimised to an acceptable level to the satisfaction of the Governing Body, senior staff and course leaders. There will be occasions when it is not possible to minimise the potential risks posed by an individual student within the resources available in a residential setting.